Information Request
Request Form
LIMIT: Ten (10) junior golfers per 1 hour session*
COST: $50.00 per junior golfer (Includes: T-shirt, range balls, prizes & awards, plus lunch, sponsored by Pinnacle Bank.
Class will start on Friday, June 7th 2024 with all junior golfers congregating at the Cottonwood Golf Shop at 11:00 am sharp. There we will have a short classroom session followed by lunch and a short session at the driving range.
The following weeks schedule will be Monday June 10th, Wednesday the 12th, Friday the 14th and finish up on Monday the 17th. The 17th is play day.
Junior Golf will be instructed in four (4) age flights:
Friday June 7th All Juniors meet at the Golf Shop for lunch and a short session on rules and behavior. Also juniors may hit range balls.

8:00 am Flight (Ages 5-8) –
9:00 am Flight (Ages 9-12)-
10:00 am Flight (Ages 9-12)-
11:00 am Flight (Ages 13-15)-
12:00 pm Flight (Ages 16 and up)-
Registration forms will be available May 1st at the Golf Shop. Flights will be limited to 10 junior golfers.
There is no priority list. A second session may be scheduled… this will depend on the number of junior golfers that were unable to register,
or could not make these dates. Caleigh Essert 2018 Individual State Champion

2018 State Golf Champions